The Beacon Bolt Staff

Zoe Herron, Editor-in-Chief

My name is Zoe head-shotHerron, and I’m going to be the Editor-in-Chief of The Beacon Bolt for the 2016-2017 school year. I’m a junior English major and communication minor here at NCU, and I hail from north of Eugene (Olympia, Washington, to be exact).

I’m an avid reader, and although I read anything I can get my hands on, I’m partial to the classics, historical fiction, and poetry. I’m also a writer, and you can often find me scribbling my observations in the margins of class notes, napkins, or my little Moleskin journal. I love to travel, too. I’m passionate about learning as much as I can about other cultures, places, and languages. Some of my favorite places that I’ve been to include Japan, Nicaragua, and Mexico. My beverage of choice is, and always will be, coffee, in all its beautiful, God-given, and glorious forms.

Most of all, however, I’m passionate about Jesus and people. I love people because they are beautiful, diverse, and made in the imago dei, the image of God, and I love Jesus because of His immense sacrifice on the cross and His incomprehensible love for us.

So that’s me–at least, in a condensed, three-paragraph nutshell. Now I want to hear about you…what are you passionate about? What makes your heart soar?

I hope, with these questions in mind, that you will be inspired to become a part of The Beacon Bolt, too. Guest writers are always welcome—your voice matters! Don’t hesitate to contact me through this site or e-mail at I can’t wait to listen to what you have to say.


Bryce Hagan, Media and Design Editor & Staff Writer

Hey All,

My name is Bryce Reese Michael Hagan, and I’m youngest of two in my family from Center Valley, Pennsylvania. I’m as new to Oregon as I am to NCU this year, as I’m a 3rd-year transfer student. Yet, from driving along the coast, visiting Crater Lake, as well as taking a short day hike up Spencer’s Butte, I’ve fallen in love with this state and hope to find my place here over the coming years.img_2109

I love absorbing information. I am often watching YouTube videos and writing essays personal essays about random subjects that I find interesting at the moment. I make time every day to try and learn something new, in the hopes of gaining a more well-rounded perspective. I’m a huge fan of hiking, biking, playing video games, editing video, and messing around in Photoshop. I’ve also picked up a couple of other random skills as well, on a beginner’s level, anyway. For example, I can juggle, solve a Rubik’s cube in around a minute, and play the piano. But alas,  I will never be able to draw an adequate circle. Those darn things are tricky and I’m thoroughly jealous of anyone who can do it so effortlessly. At my core, however, my number one rule in life is that, with respect to the beliefs of those around you, nothing should be taken too seriously, because, from the right perspective, everything is funny.

I’m pumped to work with Tomas to produce some high-quality videos for the Beacon Bolt, as I’m sure we’ll both learn a lot along the way! The Bolt offers an opportunity to share stories and ideas with people in this community that they wouldn’t otherwise hear, whether it’s through our articles or our videos. In fact, if you want to be a part of this mission, you’re welcome to join in as a guest writer! Just let any of our staff members know you’re interested in more details!

-Bryce (the cool cat) Hagan

Tomás Carradero, Media and Design Editor & Staff Writer  

¡Hola Beacon Bolt Readers!

Me llamo Tomás. I am a sophomore from San Jose, California. I play soccer here at NCU, and I am the co-media and design editor for the Beacon Bolt. I also have a side job with the athletic office taking Snapchats, photos, and editing highlight videos for the sports teams. Make sure to follow GoBeacons on Snapchat!

As for me, I am a follower of Christ before I am a son of my mom and dad, and before I am brother to my brother, who is 15. After those aspects of my life, comes soccer, which I have played since I was 4. I love it here at NCU, and it has become my home away from home. I am here at the Beacon Bolt because I love to share stories to the community of NCU that are worth reading and watching. I believe that with my and Bryce’s expertise, we will help the Beacon Bolt get more readers, viewers, and fans!

P.S. Feel free to stop me on campus anywhere to ask questions or talk about how you could be a story on The Bolt!