Tag Archive: Oregon

NCU Anonymous: Student Views on Marijuana Use


Editor’s Note: The following article is the first in a new series on the Beacon Bolt which will be called NCU Anonymous. Each edition of NCU Anonymous will highlight a controversial topic, and… Continue reading

Lions, and Books, and Self-Publishing! Oh My!


I will come right out and say it, I love books. Reading has long been one of my favorite pastimes, transporting me to others worlds and times. There is a certain magic to… Continue reading

Luke Jackson Interview


Well if you have been paying attention to the men’s basketball team here at NCU, it has been quite a wild ride. The team qualified for the NAIA National Championship Tournament for the… Continue reading

Top Ten Local Restaurants


I will come right out and say it: I love food. I also love finding new places to eat, and trying to find that out-of-the-way spot that only the select few know about.… Continue reading

The Beacon Bolt will be at the Club Fair


NCU’s annual club fair will be taking place this Wednesday, February 19th directly after chapel in the rug room and, although we are not technically a club, the Beacon Bolt and its staff… Continue reading

The Great Debate


Billions of years of ago, nothing exploded. That nothingness slowly formed to become planets and star systems. On one certain planet, primordial ooze developed, and out of that ooze crawled life. Millions of… Continue reading

Legal Pot: Yay Or Nay?


Well it has finally happened. Marijuana is now legal. But only if you live in Colorado or Washington. Which means that those who want to get their fix anywhere else will still need… Continue reading

Calling All BEACONS….we need your HELP!


At this very moment, NCU’s very own Mr. Beacon is in the midst of an intense competition with the mascot of Evergreen State College. The Cascade Collegiate Conference is hosting the Mascot Challenge… Continue reading

2014: Ready or Not


Well it is 2014 How did this happen? It seems like only yesterday 2013 just started, despite predictions that 2012 was the end of the world. But now we are in 2014. Two… Continue reading

Farewell to Our Bonnie Lass


Today marks the end of an era here at NCU. Bonnie the security guard is leaving us. Before you get too sad, though, know that it’s because she was promoted to a bigger… Continue reading

Theta XI: History-makers Road Trip to Brownsville


On Saturday, October 19, NCU’s History Club headed north to Brownsville to visit the Pioneer Museum and the historic Moyer House.  Some might think that a small town like Brownsville would be a… Continue reading