Tag Archive: Northwest Christian University

On This Day: NCU Student & Staff Reflections on Good Friday


Editor’s Note: The following collection of quotations features the thoughts and reflections of NCU students and staff on Good Friday. From the Christian church calendar to the immense pain of Jesus’ sacrifice on… Continue reading

Created to Create: Reflections on Art and Worship by Gabrielle Herron


Editor’s Note: The following article is by junior Gabrielle Herron. Here, Gabrielle, a music major from Olympia, Washington, shares her experience as a worship leader, musician, and visual artist, and how her art… Continue reading

Jesus & Community: Local College Groups to Check Out


College is stressful—it’s a universally acknowledged fact, highlighted by social media, reiterated by memes, and pervading much of student culture. It seems that much a college student’s daily life is spent frantically working… Continue reading

5 Simple Ways to Give Back


It can be as heartfelt as writing a letter or donating a box of food.

Dressember: Wearing Dresses to Protest Violence Against Women


Wear a dress and join the global movement against human trafficking, violence, and slavery.

10 Great Places to Eat at in Eugene


NCU students share about their favorite restaurants in Eugene.

The Lockdown on Literature


Books in libraries, schools and bookstores in the United States are often challenged and removed from shelves, restricting the accessibility of information that should be available to readers everywhere.

Beacons Stepping Into The Light


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. The Northwest Christian University men’s basketball team stands in first place in the Cascade Collegiate Conference, but also #8… Continue reading

Thank Someone


I imagine your life has gotten a little bit busy as the school year comes to an end. With everything you have left to finish, you probably aren’t looking for another assignment, but… Continue reading

The Twining and Cutting of the Ivy


As the spring term is coming to a close, NCU’s seniors can start looking forward to a special event: the Cutting of the Ivy. This event is the conclusion of a bookend experience… Continue reading

Jars of Clay, Fireflight, and More Take to Pledging Tactics


Twenty years ago OJ Simpson ran from police, Richard Nixon passed away, and Jars of Clay began making music together. Five years later, in 1999, Fireflight formed their band in Eustis, Florida. Two… Continue reading

Lions, and Books, and Self-Publishing! Oh My!


I will come right out and say it, I love books. Reading has long been one of my favorite pastimes, transporting me to others worlds and times. There is a certain magic to… Continue reading

Student Preachers Dominate NCU’s Chapel


This last week the NCU community was blessed to have four student preachers speak in chapel. On Wednesday, Lars Coburn shared a message about the importance of Jesus in his life and in… Continue reading

The Parker Brothers Album Review


I recently had the chance to listen to the new album Close to Home from The Parker Brothers, a local Christian band from here in Eugene. The album mixes folk, indie and pop… Continue reading

A Shakespearean Event


Some of you reading this probably hate Shakespeare. I can understand that; reading a Shakespeare play is not the most fun thing in the world. Watching a well-produced play, however, is one of… Continue reading

The Invisible Things


A few weeks back I was walking across the quad in my own world thinking about my day when something caught my eye. I wasn’t sure what it was at first, but looking… Continue reading

NCU’s First Poetry Slam


What Kind Of Voice Do You Have? What kind of voice do you have? Is it cheap and easy? Does it bemoan the trials and tribulation Of a world constructed by our foreign… Continue reading

Join the Orientation Team


Think back to your first on-campus experience as a student at NCU. For many of us, this was the whirlwind of events that is Orientation. I have been a part of Orientation three… Continue reading

A Cat for Your Monday


Mondays, right? Well, here’s a video that might make your day a little better.   I hope you like cats… and AWOLNATION.

Some Post-Break Encouragement


Regardless of whether your spring break was a relaxing get-away or merely a slightly less busy catch-up week, school is back in session. You may be returning to campus refreshed, or you may… Continue reading

Luke Jackson Interview


Well if you have been paying attention to the men’s basketball team here at NCU, it has been quite a wild ride. The team qualified for the NAIA National Championship Tournament for the… Continue reading

NCU’s First EP: From Dusk To Dawn


By Jared Keeth. NCU’s music program has recently recorded their first-ever EP! Students from the university got to take their turn in front of the microphone this spring and be a part of… Continue reading

Titanfall Review


Disclaimer: for this week’s post I decided to do a short review on the recently released hit game Titanfall. I tried to make it accessible to everyone, yet it is most likely going… Continue reading

NCU Track Athlete Qualifies for Nationals During First Meet


On Saturday March 1st Allison Duvenez qualified for the NAIA nationals in her very first 5,000-meter race at Linfield College. Allison was automatically qualified for nationals when she completed her 5,000-meter (5k) race… Continue reading

Bash-Whisler 2014 Roundup


The typical music-homily pattern of chapel was set aside last Friday to make way for the time honored NCU tradition that is the Bash-Whisler Bible Reading Competition. While it is unknown exactly when… Continue reading

Top Ten Local Restaurants


I will come right out and say it: I love food. I also love finding new places to eat, and trying to find that out-of-the-way spot that only the select few know about.… Continue reading

More Fun Things To Do


Last month I gave you a brief list of some fun, free things happening around Eugene. Most things on the list are still possibilities and so you can never complain about being bored.… Continue reading

Cleaning Up After Winter Storm Damage


Nearly three weeks have passed since Eugene’s last big winter storm, but NCU is still recovering from the damage caused by the now-melted snow and ice. Kent Willocks, NCU’s groundkeeper, said that the… Continue reading

Mint Personal Finance


Being a college student is hard on your finances. You have to pay rent, buy expensive textbooks, and let’s not forget your student loans! For me personally I know managing money can be… Continue reading

The Beacon Bolt will be at the Club Fair


NCU’s annual club fair will be taking place this Wednesday, February 19th directly after chapel in the rug room and, although we are not technically a club, the Beacon Bolt and its staff… Continue reading

Hollywood Faith?


One of my all-time favorite pastimes is going to the movies. I love the stories, the action, and the excitement of it all. While I love to watch movies at home as well,… Continue reading

A Bit of Help for Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day, or as it is more popularly known “Singles Awareness Day,” is just around the corner. For those of us suffering from the ailment known as singlehood, it is popular to celebrate… Continue reading

Ham on Nye


On February 4th, Ken Ham, the president of the Creation Museum, and Bill Nye, famously known as “the science guy” from his popular PBS show, faced off in a debate about creation, evolution,… Continue reading

The Great Debate


Billions of years of ago, nothing exploded. That nothingness slowly formed to become planets and star systems. On one certain planet, primordial ooze developed, and out of that ooze crawled life. Millions of… Continue reading

A Chance to Serve


Have you looked at the “Opportunities to Serve” board yet? It’s the one next the mailboxes. If you haven’t, I strongly encourage you to go do that right now. Ally Mittleider has posted… Continue reading

Blog Shout Out: Stand To Reason


As you may have noticed, a disproportionate number of my Bolt postings are about theology and apologetics. While I try to post about such topics in moderation, when I find something good I… Continue reading

Be The Match!


Next Wednesday from 10-3 in the MEC lobby NCU is having the Be The Match bone marrow drive. To someone who is personally not very fond of needles, I must say at first I… Continue reading

A Few Free Things To Do


So you’ve been in Eugene for a while now (at least two weeks), and on more than one occasion you have found yourself wondering “what is there to do in this town?” Or,… Continue reading

The Wettest Dry Campus Around


The December issue of Christianity Today featured an article by Kevin P. Emmert titled “Relaxing Over Drinks.” The article focused on several Christian campuses that recently lifted their alcohol and tobacco ban. Now,… Continue reading

Legal Pot: Yay Or Nay?


Well it has finally happened. Marijuana is now legal. But only if you live in Colorado or Washington. Which means that those who want to get their fix anywhere else will still need… Continue reading

Calling All BEACONS….we need your HELP!


At this very moment, NCU’s very own Mr. Beacon is in the midst of an intense competition with the mascot of Evergreen State College. The Cascade Collegiate Conference is hosting the Mascot Challenge… Continue reading

2014: Ready or Not


Well it is 2014 How did this happen? It seems like only yesterday 2013 just started, despite predictions that 2012 was the end of the world. But now we are in 2014. Two… Continue reading

Welcome Home


Welcome home, Beacons! The Bolt staff hopes that you all had a blessed Christmas break. We are very excited for the new term and the adventures that it will bring. Things are back… Continue reading

Theta XI: History-makers Road Trip to Brownsville


On Saturday, October 19, NCU’s History Club headed north to Brownsville to visit the Pioneer Museum and the historic Moyer House.  Some might think that a small town like Brownsville would be a… Continue reading

Light the Night


Have any plans for tonight? No? Good, because if you did and they were anything but the Beacon Night, you would be missing out on a very unique and wonderful opportunity. Light the… Continue reading

Blog Shout-Out


Things have been fairly chaotic lately, so I think it’s time to take a break from all the NCU hullabaloo and direct our attention to something else. Instead of posting something creative and… Continue reading

Fromm’s Advisor Responds


About two weeks ago, Fromm and I had a conversation that largely reflected what he said in his guest Beacon Bolt column. I didn’t panic, and when I saw the Bolt, I felt… Continue reading

Beacon Bolt Article Goes National


If you haven’t heard already, an article in The Register-Guard appeared today about our ASNCU President Eric Fromm. The article comes in response to the Beacon Bolt article that was posted last week. We welcome… Continue reading

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?


Originally posted on Deeper Waters:
What’s going to be your response to all the little monsters running around tonight? Let’s talk about it on Deeper Waters. Tonight, several kids are going to be…

Eric Fromm: Lifting the Curtain


My name is Eric Fromm. I am a Senior at NCU majoring in communications, and I am an atheist. Yes, you read that correctly, I am an atheist. For those of you who… Continue reading