2014: Ready or Not


Well it is 2014 How did this happen? It seems like only yesterday 2013 just started, despite predictions that 2012 was the end of the world. But now we are in 2014. Two… Continue reading

Resolution Ramblings


Well, 2014 is two weeks old now. If you made any New Year’s resolutions, I would like to offer you encouragement. Even if you haven’t completely stuck with it so far, there are… Continue reading

Welcome Home


Welcome home, Beacons! The Bolt staff hopes that you all had a blessed Christmas break. We are very excited for the new term and the adventures that it will bring. Things are back… Continue reading

A Christmas History Story


  Ahhh Christmas time. It is a season for joyous occasions and happy reunions. You can hear Jimmy Stewart proclaiming that it is a wonderful life, or Ebenezer Scrooge declaring a Merry Christmas… Continue reading

Single and not so ready to mingle?


Hello avid readers! I am currently out of town at the happiest place on Earth for a much needed vacation. I did not have time to write an article for today, so I suggest… Continue reading

Thanksgiving: A Time of Thanks


Tis the holiday season. You can’t go anywhere these days without seeing the decorations. Soon it will be time for the turkey dinner, a time of thanks and family. Yet in the hustle… Continue reading

Farewell to Our Bonnie Lass


Today marks the end of an era here at NCU. Bonnie the security guard is leaving us. Before you get too sad, though, know that it’s because she was promoted to a bigger… Continue reading

Theta XI: History-makers Road Trip to Brownsville


On Saturday, October 19, NCU’s History Club headed north to Brownsville to visit the Pioneer Museum and the historic Moyer House.  Some might think that a small town like Brownsville would be a… Continue reading

Dreams: Yours, God’s, and Mike Wazowski’s


The other day I finally watched Monsters University for the first time. I was surprised by how long it took me to see it, given my love of Pixar movies, but it’s been a… Continue reading

Light the Night


Have any plans for tonight? No? Good, because if you did and they were anything but the Beacon Night, you would be missing out on a very unique and wonderful opportunity. Light the… Continue reading

Blog Shout-Out


Things have been fairly chaotic lately, so I think it’s time to take a break from all the NCU hullabaloo and direct our attention to something else. Instead of posting something creative and… Continue reading

New Hope Interview


Well there has been quite a lot of discussion lately about Eric Fromm and his article about what it’s like to be an atheist at a Christian College. Be sure to check out… Continue reading

Remember the Memes


Sometimes random things happen. Like the demolition next door knocks out our internet for half a day. Or an article about Fromm gets international attention. Or that one time when someone, somewhere picked… Continue reading

Fromm’s Advisor Responds


About two weeks ago, Fromm and I had a conversation that largely reflected what he said in his guest Beacon Bolt column. I didn’t panic, and when I saw the Bolt, I felt… Continue reading

Beacon Bolt Article Goes National


If you haven’t heard already, an article in The Register-Guard appeared today about our ASNCU President Eric Fromm. The article comes in response to the Beacon Bolt article that was posted last week. We welcome… Continue reading

Is Marriage For Me?


This week I am sharing a great article about the true meaning of marriage. Go ahead and click the link to give it a read, and then check out my thoughts on it… Continue reading

Make Time for Dessert


Am I the only one that’s been craving cupcakes this week? It seems every time I turn around, there’s a poster featuring a totally tasty-looking treat. When I consider this proliferation of posters,… Continue reading

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?


Originally posted on Deeper Waters:
What’s going to be your response to all the little monsters running around tonight? Let’s talk about it on Deeper Waters. Tonight, several kids are going to be…

Eric Fromm: Lifting the Curtain


My name is Eric Fromm. I am a Senior at NCU majoring in communications, and I am an atheist. Yes, you read that correctly, I am an atheist. For those of you who… Continue reading

Interview with Tim Foreman from Switchfoot


Last week I had the amazing opportunity to talk to Tim Foreman, the bassist from popular rock band Switchfoot. I can say right off the bat I was a little star struck, as… Continue reading

Ask Fun Questions


Did you know that Nani has two pet miniature donkeys? Or that Dr. Bollenbaugh is learning to play the mandolin? One of the best things about NCU is the student to teacher ratio:… Continue reading

The Reality of Heaven


The man who is about to sail for Australia or New Zealand as a settler, is naturally anxious to know something about his future home, its climate, its employments, its inhabitants, its ways, its… Continue reading

Viking Braggot’s Quackin’ Me Up Comedy Competition A highlight and Report


Eugene is a hub of culture and opportunity; it is a city that prides itself on being inclusive to everyone. Well, now the fine folks at the University of Oregon’s Standup Society are… Continue reading

Fall Retreat: Why You Should Go


As someone who went last year, I feel the need to let you all know that you do not want to miss Fall Retreat. If you are on the fence about going because… Continue reading

The Reality of Hell


*This piece continues my Reality of Life series, and will be finished with my next posting* “Eternal Darkness” “Fire and Brimstone” “Unending Punishment” These are all terms people have used to describe Hell.… Continue reading

Join a Club


I feel like I say this a lot, but it’s true: there are plenty of fun ways to be involved and keep busy here at NCU. One of the best ways to get… Continue reading

The Candle Passing


When a pair of NCU students gets engaged a candle passing happens. For those that don’t already know, the candle passing is an NCU tradition that dates back to at least the 1940’s,… Continue reading

NCU Photo Challenge Week 3


After a one week hiatus, the bi-weekly NCU photo challenge continues! For this time only we have doubled the gift card to $30, so get out there now for your chance to win!… Continue reading

Embracing the Community


Service can take on many forms. Most of us didn’t know exactly what we had signed up for as we gathered in the Chapel on Wednesday morning. But we were ready to give… Continue reading

The Weekly TED Talk


For those of you that don’t know already, Stephanie Roland who works at the front desk in the PFB, posts weekly TED Talks on the whiteboard above her desk. These talks are very insightful… Continue reading

The Reality of Death


*Disclaimer: This article is part of a three part piece, and the themes here will be continued in my next two articles* What do Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Queen Elizabeth, Benjamin Franklin,… Continue reading

Groups for Life


I hope the events of this Spiritual Formation Week have encouraged and inspired you. I also hope that your spiritual formation won’t end with the week. Life Groups have officially begun and now… Continue reading

Experience’s Little Lessons


“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” — C.S. Lewis Sometimes we can only truly understand something after we have experienced it. Only after we have… Continue reading

The Digital Zombie Apocalypse


The concept of the Zombie Apocalypse has been a huge trend in our society in the past decade. Zombies are pretty much everywhere these days, from Brad Pitt fighting off the undead hordes… Continue reading

A Night of Madness


Last night, we all had a chance to watch our sports teams showcase their talents for things that aren’t sports. Women’s Soccer took the traditional route, starting the evening off with balloons and… Continue reading

Being Christian Among Non-Christians


Over the summer I spent most of my time studying philosophical theology. You may ask, “What does it mean to study philosophical theology?” Well, it’s really just a fancy way of saying that… Continue reading

Photo Challenge: Round 2!


The biweekly NCU photo challenge continues! Corey Garrett and Madison Womack were last week’s winners. Here is the photo and riddle for the next challenge! Be sure to email your photos to kshunk@nwcu.edu… Continue reading

A Few Happy Thoughts


There are two types of people who work on the Bolt: those who write deep, thought-provoking posts…and then there’s me. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with thought-provoking things, but I’m better at… Continue reading

Doyle is Going Deaf


It doesn’t matter if you’re a communications major or not, you know who Doyle is. From his fanciful facial hair to his gaudy gold silk shirt, Doyle’s presence does not go unnoticed. His… Continue reading

Racism: Dead or Alive?


Let me start off by saying the views expressed here are solely of my own opinion, and I have tried to avoid offending anyone. I intend this article as a means for constructive conversation among… Continue reading

The New Normal


Now that the adrenaline rush known as Orientation has ended and our three-day weekend is over, we cannot avoid the reality any longer: school is officially underway. I must admit I find this… Continue reading

On The Church’s Door


As many of you know, last spring an email from an anonymous student was sent out across campus. This email contained a lengthy article that expressed the student’s displeasure with the state of… Continue reading

ASNCU’s Big Plans


Just before the fall term got underway, ASNCU had their annual retreat where they brainstormed and planned this year’s events and projects. The ASNCU executive cabinet has some exciting ideas for the 2013-14… Continue reading

NCU Photo Challenge


As I was thinking of things to do for the Beacon Bolt, I wanting to have something that would be fun and creative, as well as show off the beautiful city of Eugene.… Continue reading

Spotlight: Rebekah Rossberg


Hi, my name is Rebekah Rossberg and I’m an Assistant Editor for the Beacon Bolt. I was born here in Eugene, raised in Veneta (a little town just west of here), and went… Continue reading

Spotlight: Brandon McGinnis


My name is Brandon McGinnis and I am the Editor-in-Chief of the Beacon Bolt. I was born and raised here in the rain-soaked paradise of Eugene, Oregon and I love almost everything about… Continue reading

Spotlight: Kevin Shunk


Hello! My name is Kevin Shunk and I am an Assistant Editor to the Beacon Bolt. I have lived in Eugene my whole life, and I love this city for its lush green… Continue reading

Not Goodbye, But See Ya Later


By Taylor Richardson Isn’t it funny how the semester seems to drag along forever while you’re in it, but when you look back, it all seemed to go so fast. So much happened… Continue reading

History Field Trip: Oregon Historical Society Museum Old Town Portland


By Ed Fryrear On March 4th 2013 Professors Ron Palmer and Steve Goetz with Tim Bergquist took 15 students on a field trip to Portland to visit the Oregon Historical Society Museum and… Continue reading

Saying Goodbye: My Reflections on NCU


By Mark Hamilton I arrived at NCU in the fall of 2009. For the first time I was on my own, hundreds of miles from my family in a strange city. My mind… Continue reading