Category Archive: News

Reflection on serving in Mexico for the second year


Hola amigos! As we all prepare our brains for all the work that comes with the end of the semester, many others here at NCU are also preparing their hearts for a missions… Continue reading

Earth Day! Brought to you by ASNCU


Hey Everyone! In light of today being Earth Day, we teamed up with ASNCU to create a little video about how to celebrate our earth. It includes VP of Environment, Steven Ray and At… Continue reading

NCU Anonymous: Student Views on Marijuana Use


Editor’s Note: The following article is the first in a new series on the Beacon Bolt which will be called NCU Anonymous. Each edition of NCU Anonymous will highlight a controversial topic, and… Continue reading

Truth Spoken in Love: a Reflection on NCU Speaks


“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”-Ephesians 4:15 Every year since my first at NCU, I… Continue reading

NCU Prayer Room: A Reflection on Katy Noel


Hey Everyone! This past week, Katy Noel opened an NCU Prayer Room right down the hall from L203. For those of you who do not know Katy, she is a student here at… Continue reading

Bryce and Tomás: Why do we make videos?


Hello fellow readers, In this article, Bryce and I just wanted to show you what it means to us to be making videos at the beacons and how we associate it with art.… Continue reading

Reflection on Rebecca Bender: Human Trafficking


Hola Amigos, If you missed chapel last Tuesday, then you missed a great speech by Rebecca Bender. To sum up her personal story for the purpose of this article, Rebecca spoke about human… Continue reading

Missions Trip Promotional Video


Hey Everyone! This past week I put together a video that promotes our missions teams! Particularly we’d like to invite you to the Dessert Auction that is March 3rd. There is a $10… Continue reading

Donuts and Discussion Recap


Hi everyone! I wanna dish out the dirt, as they say, regarding the recent ASNCU-organized Donuts and Discussion event that was goin’ down last Wednesday.   Firstly, I find it necessary to address… Continue reading

Church and the Idolization of Marriage


In this article, Shivonne and I just want to touch on the topic of how the church can sometimes idolize marriage. Right in time for Valentine’s Day, right? Our view on marriage, whether… Continue reading

Radical Authenticity: an Interview with Stephanie Tait


Editor’s Note: The following interview is a spotlight on Stephanie Tait, an author, speaker, and blogger who the Northwest Christian University community had the opportunity to hear speak in chapel last year. Here,… Continue reading

Friendships and Community: Article Series by Tomás and Shivonne!


  Hello Everybody!  My name is Tomas Carradero, and my amazing friend Shivonne Robinson will be helping me out with this article. This will be the first of three articles that we like… Continue reading

Behind the Scenes Experience Christmas


Hey Everyone! This past week I put together a behind the scenes look of Experience Christmas! It includes videos and interviews of the people involved in Experience Christmas! If you did not see the… Continue reading

Dressember: Wearing Dresses to Protest Violence Against Women


Wear a dress and join the global movement against human trafficking, violence, and slavery.

Dance Your Way to Fitness with PE 107


It seems, sometimes, the world is divided into two camps of people: those who love to exercise, and those who loathe the very idea of the activity. If you happen to fall into… Continue reading

NCU Students Share Thoughts on Being a First-Time Voter


Election Day, the culmination of months of research, televised debates, and Facebook arguments, is here. Many college students are facing their first presidential election unsure of who to cast their vote for, and… Continue reading

You Don’t Have To Go It Alone…


In honor of Alcohol Awareness Week at Northwest Christian University, Student Programs will be hosting a “Float and Facts” gathering in the cafeteria on Thursday, October 27 at 12 PM. According to Student… Continue reading

The Story of Jesus, Thomas Egan, and You


By Gabe Piechowicz As the fall storms start to stack up on the coast range and roll through the valley, our hoodies have come out and the march of old man winter has… Continue reading

What’s Your Secret?


The departments of Campus Ministries and Student Programs will collaborate this week to launch a revival of the “Post Secret” project at Northwest Christian University. “Post Secret” originally began as an art initiative… Continue reading

Introducing Bryce and Tomás


Hey All, My name is Bryce Reese Michael Hagan, and I’m youngest of two in my family from Center Valley, Pennsylvania. I’m as new to Oregon as I am to NCU this year,… Continue reading

This is how the Force works: State of the University Address 2016


Northwest Christian University students, faculty, and staff attending chapel today were first greeted by an iconic clip of Han Solo and Finn in the 2015 blockbuster Star Wars: The Force Awakens before being… Continue reading