Category Archive: Nature

Earth Day! Brought to you by ASNCU


Hey Everyone! In light of today being Earth Day, we teamed up with ASNCU to create a little video about how to celebrate our earth. It includes VP of Environment, Steven Ray and At… Continue reading

Five Fall Haikus by NCU


  “Pumpkin spice is nice, Drink it hot or even iced, Pumpkin spice is life.” –Taylor Irons, sophomore   “Don’t fall for my charms, I’ll only leaf you alone, All flat jokes must… Continue reading

And Now for a bit of Sunscreen


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. “This summer’s gonna hurt like a…” Last year Adam Levine and the rest of Maroon 5 could be heard… Continue reading

And Now for a bit of Sun


Over the last several days we’ve gotten a break from the standard cloudy overhead and frequent showers. Sunshine has finally been pushing through, the skies are mostly blue, and it’s been warm enough… Continue reading