Category Archive: Helpful

ADHD: One Guy’s Experience and Perspective


Hey, everybody! I’m Bryce Hagan for the Beacon Bolt and this week I was asked if I could write an article exploring my experience with ADHD. As most of you probably know, ADHD… Continue reading

Justice and Cat Videos: A Guide to Social Media Activism by Mary Jo Goosmann


Editor’s Note: The following article is by Mary Jo Goosmann, Academic Services Administrative Assistant here at NCU. Here, Mary Jo reflects on the potential dangers and the positives effects of social activism on social… Continue reading

Travel Hacking 101: It’s Probably Cheaper Than You Think


It is a truth universally acknowledged that most people want to travel more—or, at least they say they do. In my conversations centering on anything travel-related, a consistent statement I’ve encountered across a… Continue reading

Reflection on Rebecca Bender: Human Trafficking


Hola Amigos, If you missed chapel last Tuesday, then you missed a great speech by Rebecca Bender. To sum up her personal story for the purpose of this article, Rebecca spoke about human… Continue reading

Jesus & Community: Local College Groups to Check Out


College is stressful—it’s a universally acknowledged fact, highlighted by social media, reiterated by memes, and pervading much of student culture. It seems that much a college student’s daily life is spent frantically working… Continue reading

Donuts and Discussion Recap


Hi everyone! I wanna dish out the dirt, as they say, regarding the recent ASNCU-organized Donuts and Discussion event that was goin’ down last Wednesday.   Firstly, I find it necessary to address… Continue reading

Friendships and Community: Article Series by Tomás and Shivonne!


  Hello Everybody!  My name is Tomas Carradero, and my amazing friend Shivonne Robinson will be helping me out with this article. This will be the first of three articles that we like… Continue reading

The Top 5 Barista-Recommended Drinks in the Beacon Beanery


When ordering drinks in NCU’s campus coffee shop, the Beacon Beanery, most students opt for the classics—mochas, lattes, chai lattes, and smoothies. While these tried-and-true favorites satisfy the need for some morning caffeine… Continue reading

5 Simple Ways to Give Back


It can be as heartfelt as writing a letter or donating a box of food.

Winter Crock Pot Recipes for College Students


For many, college is the first time students get to dip their toes into adulthood. That might come in the form of many things: paying bills, making doctors’ appointments, doing laundry, and, perhaps… Continue reading

Dance Your Way to Fitness with PE 107


It seems, sometimes, the world is divided into two camps of people: those who love to exercise, and those who loathe the very idea of the activity. If you happen to fall into… Continue reading

How to host your own Friendsgiving


As November comes upon us, fall begins to wane, and the semester starts to wind down, most students will start to make their travel plans for the Thanksgiving holiday break. While coming together… Continue reading

10 Reasons to Mission Trip!


Having participated in 8 trips, each about a week long, I feel qualified to reflect on my favorite reasons to participate in a mission trip – particularly with your friends at NCU. First off,… Continue reading

This is how the Force works: State of the University Address 2016


Northwest Christian University students, faculty, and staff attending chapel today were first greeted by an iconic clip of Han Solo and Finn in the 2015 blockbuster Star Wars: The Force Awakens before being… Continue reading

An Introduction Letter Between Friends


Dear Reader, No, that’s not right. Because you’re not just a “reader” (although you are reading this). “Reader” implies that this is a one-way relationship. I write stuff, you read it, and that’s… Continue reading



The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Did you know 68% of Americans don’t budget each month? You could be a part of that percentage, just… Continue reading

And Now for a bit of Sunscreen


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. “This summer’s gonna hurt like a…” Last year Adam Levine and the rest of Maroon 5 could be heard… Continue reading

And Now for a bit of Sun


Over the last several days we’ve gotten a break from the standard cloudy overhead and frequent showers. Sunshine has finally been pushing through, the skies are mostly blue, and it’s been warm enough… Continue reading

NCU Speaks Recap


The second annual NCU Speaks featured a fascinating hodgepodge of speakers and topics. The FeMystique-sponsored event, hosted by Kimberly Snyder and club co-founder Chelsea Taylor, had a total of nine speakers (eight female… Continue reading

6 Tips for a Road Trip


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. This Spring break I was lucky enough to embark on a crazy road trip to Vancouver, BC, Canada. I drove… Continue reading

How to Fill the Dog Void


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Growing up, I have had many pets; cats, hamsters, fish, but the one animal that will always hold a… Continue reading

Dialogue and Taboo. More of one and less of the other


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. There are certain topics we feel more comfortable discussing than others, naturally. Some things, often one’s that don’t go… Continue reading

Giving Up Control by Gaining It


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Being a college student with a full course load, three jobs, and a social life is hard. “Time management”… Continue reading

Jefferson, Lincoln, Peers, and Informed Opinions


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Is it possible to be great and flawed? It always amuses me when students discover that some of our founding… Continue reading

Getting back up to Speed


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Time never stops, and unfortunately we’re sometimes slow to react to it. Three weeks into the new semester and… Continue reading

Lazy Hazy Days


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Everyone has that morning when you wake up and just know that life isn’t going to happen that day.… Continue reading

The Do’s and Don’ts of Dog Greetings


BY: TREVYN DUBOIS The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. When you see a dog wandering around on leash or in somebody’s yard, what’s your first… Continue reading

Though Cramming lasts through the Night, Winter Break comes with the Morning


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University We’re so close, folks. We’ve survived dead week and spent nearly every waking hour studying for finals, writing papers,… Continue reading

Don’t lose Your Bible among the Texbooks


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. As busy college students taking the final transitional steps into adulthood, the amount of classes, work, and various obligations… Continue reading

A Theology of Love


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Last Thursday night, over eight hundred people crammed themselves into the bleachers of the Morse Event Center to hear… Continue reading

Can We Go Thrift Shopping?


As broke college students living in Eugene, we have to be quite frugal with how we spend our money. Shopping at stores such as Nordstrom Rack, Macy’s, and Nike are no longer options… Continue reading

Being Thankful by Being Fit


“we have an obligation to take care of our bodies and live a healthy lifestyle”



Lately slang terms have been making me rethink the way that we speak. We have strange expressions like “or nah” and “totes mcgoats”. This language became popular by things like Vine, a celebrity,… Continue reading

I Challenge Language


BY: CHELSEA TAYLOR Language is such an essential part of everyone’s day to day experience that it’s difficult to even understand how significant it is to communication, relationships, and emotional security. After living… Continue reading

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month


Nationally the month of September is known as the “back to school season” for most of our population’s youth and even college students, but did you know that September 2015 is also National… Continue reading



I have always known that smart note taking and studying is very important and is the key towards boosting a student’s GPA. As I reflect on my first year of college, I remember… Continue reading

Easy, Healthy Diet Swaps


As summer advances and more sunny days appear, I am reminded that lake-days and tanning dates with my girls are ahead of me. Living in a small lake town, leads to almost all… Continue reading

The Freshmen Experience


    As a student-athlete and the Editor-in-Chief of the Beacon Bolt, I learned a lot of valuable lessons during my freshmen year. I have compiled a list of the top ten non-academic… Continue reading

8 Stress Relievers


Spring Break was filled with road trips, sleepovers, adventures, lazy mornings, family dinners and much more. All of these exciting events make it difficult to come back to school and readapting a difficult… Continue reading

Take a Hike!


Oregon natives are spoiled by the beauty that surrounds them. NCU is very fortunate in its location, being surrounded by a multitude of amazing outdoor opportunities, including hiking. Students have a chance every… Continue reading

Midterm Stress Relief, Disney Style


I’m thankful for a childhood of playing outside with bare feet, swinging a little too high on the swing set, jumping off and getting a few bruises, playing hide and seek for hours… Continue reading

5 “Off Campus” Study Spots


I love Northwest Christian University’s campus, especially its location. The proximity to the University of Oregon definitely makes for a larger population of people in a few mile radius, but it also brings… Continue reading

Cute and Crafty Valentine’s Day DIY’s


There is only one day a year when people can’t make fun of you for being a hopeless romantic, Valentine’s Day. Whether you are in a relationship, in that awkward “what are we?”… Continue reading

3 Local Eats


1. Manola’s Thai Cuisine is located on 652 E. Broadway in Eugene and serves a large variety of Thai cuisine very close to campus. Its location is obviously a huge positive, but it is… Continue reading



Jefferson Bethke is known for his variety of religiously focused videos on YouTube. Without even realizing it, most of you have watched one of his videos, because during fall semester Pastor Troy showed… Continue reading

5 Budgeting Tips


Hello Everyone! Coming back to school in the New Year means implementing my resolutions into a busier lifestyle. I have challenged myself this year with a resolution of budgeting my money and creating… Continue reading

5 Simple and Cheap DIY Christmas Gifts


Are you looking for a quick and inexpensive gift for the holidays? Well I have rounded up five of best holiday DIY projects of the year. I hope you find some inspiration from… Continue reading

Finals Week Survival Tips


Finals week is probably the most anticipated week of a semester for any student. Most have studied, completed homework and learned tons of new information that is then put to the test during… Continue reading