Category Archive: Activities

Truth Spoken in Love: a Reflection on NCU Speaks


“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.”-Ephesians 4:15 Every year since my first at NCU, I… Continue reading

Travel Hacking 101: It’s Probably Cheaper Than You Think


It is a truth universally acknowledged that most people want to travel more—or, at least they say they do. In my conversations centering on anything travel-related, a consistent statement I’ve encountered across a… Continue reading

A Rad Place: Reflecting on a Semester in Nashville by Chelsea King


Editors’s Note: The following article is by Chelsea King, a Northwest Christian University alum and music student. Here, King reflects on her off-campus study experience last semester at the Contemporary Music Center in… Continue reading

Jesus & Community: Local College Groups to Check Out


College is stressful—it’s a universally acknowledged fact, highlighted by social media, reiterated by memes, and pervading much of student culture. It seems that much a college student’s daily life is spent frantically working… Continue reading

Donuts and Discussion Recap


Hi everyone! I wanna dish out the dirt, as they say, regarding the recent ASNCU-organized Donuts and Discussion event that was goin’ down last Wednesday.   Firstly, I find it necessary to address… Continue reading

Behind the Scenes Experience Christmas


Hey Everyone! This past week I put together a behind the scenes look of Experience Christmas! It includes videos and interviews of the people involved in Experience Christmas! If you did not see the… Continue reading

Winter Crock Pot Recipes for College Students


For many, college is the first time students get to dip their toes into adulthood. That might come in the form of many things: paying bills, making doctors’ appointments, doing laundry, and, perhaps… Continue reading

Dance Your Way to Fitness with PE 107


It seems, sometimes, the world is divided into two camps of people: those who love to exercise, and those who loathe the very idea of the activity. If you happen to fall into… Continue reading

NCU Students Share Thoughts on Being a First-Time Voter


Election Day, the culmination of months of research, televised debates, and Facebook arguments, is here. Many college students are facing their first presidential election unsure of who to cast their vote for, and… Continue reading

How to host your own Friendsgiving


As November comes upon us, fall begins to wane, and the semester starts to wind down, most students will start to make their travel plans for the Thanksgiving holiday break. While coming together… Continue reading

The Story of Jesus, Thomas Egan, and You


By Gabe Piechowicz As the fall storms start to stack up on the coast range and roll through the valley, our hoodies have come out and the march of old man winter has… Continue reading

What’s Your Secret?


The departments of Campus Ministries and Student Programs will collaborate this week to launch a revival of the “Post Secret” project at Northwest Christian University. “Post Secret” originally began as an art initiative… Continue reading

A Beautiful Opportunity to Serve


Hi! My name is Britnee Joaquin, and I am a sophomore here at NCU. I went on a mission trip to Nicaragua last year and the experience challenged and encouraged me to see… Continue reading

10 Reasons to Mission Trip!


Having participated in 8 trips, each about a week long, I feel qualified to reflect on my favorite reasons to participate in a mission trip – particularly with your friends at NCU. First off,… Continue reading

5 Fun Things to Do Off-Campus in Eugene


Are you new to NCU and want to know the city more?

Inner Monologue of a College Student


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Join the Beacon Bolt as we follow two NCU students throughout an ordinary day!

Record Breaking


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. The 2015-2016 season was a historic one for our Women’s basketball team. With many players being honored for their athletic… Continue reading

And Now for a bit of Sunscreen


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. “This summer’s gonna hurt like a…” Last year Adam Levine and the rest of Maroon 5 could be heard… Continue reading

Poetry Slam 2016


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Attending the poetry Slam, I didn’t expect to be entertained or amused by much. My entire life I have… Continue reading

NCU Speaks Recap


The second annual NCU Speaks featured a fascinating hodgepodge of speakers and topics. The FeMystique-sponsored event, hosted by Kimberly Snyder and club co-founder Chelsea Taylor, had a total of nine speakers (eight female… Continue reading

6 Tips for a Road Trip


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. This Spring break I was lucky enough to embark on a crazy road trip to Vancouver, BC, Canada. I drove… Continue reading

First annual ASNCU Debate & Discussion a Success


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Last Monday evening, the inaugural ASNCU Debate & Discussion was held in the Banquet room of the Burke-Griffeth Residence… Continue reading

Book Tinder


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Next Monday will mark the end of the NCU Library’s annual Blind Date with a Book, a month long… Continue reading

Final Countdown to Mr. Beacon


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Join the Bolt as we interview the many contestants of Mr. Beacon!

NCU Christmas


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Join the Beacon Bolt as we interview students around campus about Krampus and Christmas!

Don’t lose Your Bible among the Texbooks


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. As busy college students taking the final transitional steps into adulthood, the amount of classes, work, and various obligations… Continue reading

A Theology of Love


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. Last Thursday night, over eight hundred people crammed themselves into the bleachers of the Morse Event Center to hear… Continue reading

Being Thankful by Being Fit


“we have an obligation to take care of our bodies and live a healthy lifestyle”

Harvest Parties: the Halloween Alternative


The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. We’re now at the end of October. School’s starting to pile up, the sky’s turning gray, the weather is… Continue reading

Stressed? Go Explore Eugene This October


It’s almost mid-semester and it might be time to get out and have some fun this October to relieve a little stress and change up your normal weekend routine of studying, eating Burrito… Continue reading

NCU Speaks


WRITTEN BY: CHELSEA TAYLOR This year the Beacon Community had the chance to participate in a student led TED Talk Event which gave current students the opportunity to publicly speak openly and honestly… Continue reading

Steven’s Eats: Maple Garden


WRITTEN BY: STEVEN RAY Welcome to Steven’s Eats! This is the first of many articles where I, Steven Ray, will traverse around the various eateries close to the NCU Campus and in Eugene… Continue reading

Bash-Whisler 2015


WRITTEN BY SHERRY REEDER On Friday, February 20th, 2015 NCU staff, faculty and students filled the Chapel to experience a time honored NCU tradition, the Bash-Whisler Bible Reading Competition. Each contestant in the… Continue reading

Lent in Review


This year I decided to take part in something I had never done before, Lent. I was a little apprehensive because it was not something my family had ever partaken in, but I… Continue reading

Maple Bars, Milk and Discussion


There were donuts, students, faculty, and as you might have guessed discussion, on April 7, 2015 as NCU held the biannual event, Donuts and Discussion. Students had a few weeks to submit questions… Continue reading

Grab a Local Cup of Java


Getting out of bed already poses a challenge for the typical college student whose schedule consists of late nights and early mornings.  After enough consecutive nights in that routine, the struggle to lift… Continue reading

Take a Hike!


Oregon natives are spoiled by the beauty that surrounds them. NCU is very fortunate in its location, being surrounded by a multitude of amazing outdoor opportunities, including hiking. Students have a chance every… Continue reading

Midterm Stress Relief, Disney Style


I’m thankful for a childhood of playing outside with bare feet, swinging a little too high on the swing set, jumping off and getting a few bruises, playing hide and seek for hours… Continue reading

Dear Future Husband


This week I am going to do something very personal. Whether you are single or dating someone now, I encourage you to write a letter to your future spouse. This little exercise can… Continue reading

I Don’t Always Make Memes, But When I Do it’s For NCU


From Grumpy Cat, Overly Attached Girlfriend, Trollface, Philosoraptor, and Bad Luck Brian all the way to Alex from Target, memes have grown in popularity. Scrolling through your facebook meme, you are bound to… Continue reading

5 “Off Campus” Study Spots


I love Northwest Christian University’s campus, especially its location. The proximity to the University of Oregon definitely makes for a larger population of people in a few mile radius, but it also brings… Continue reading

What’s Your Vision?


Hey everyone! This week I wanted to do something crafty and inspiring. I have had a small case of the blues lately and needed something to boost my spirits and get me motivated.… Continue reading

Hi, My Name is Chelsea and I’m Addicted to Netflix


I love watching movies and television shows, but I have always been super old-fashioned about going to the theater or tuning in once a week to watch my favorite shows, until now. Going… Continue reading

Cute and Crafty Valentine’s Day DIY’s


There is only one day a year when people can’t make fun of you for being a hopeless romantic, Valentine’s Day. Whether you are in a relationship, in that awkward “what are we?”… Continue reading

Beacon Fan of the Game


On Friday February 6, the women’s basketball team will play at 5:30, followed by the men at 7:30. In their first match against Warner, the NCU women’s team won 71-61 and NCU men… Continue reading

3 Local Eats


1. Manola’s Thai Cuisine is located on 652 E. Broadway in Eugene and serves a large variety of Thai cuisine very close to campus. Its location is obviously a huge positive, but it is… Continue reading

Speakin’ Beacons


ARTICLE BY: JOSEPH LAURENDEAU Did you know that NCU has a Speech and Debate club? The Speakin’ Beacons are headed up by Doctor Doyle Srader who has a PHD in Argumentation.  This Semester… Continue reading

5 Simple and Cheap DIY Christmas Gifts


Are you looking for a quick and inexpensive gift for the holidays? Well I have rounded up five of best holiday DIY projects of the year. I hope you find some inspiration from… Continue reading

A Night of Words


WRITTEN BY: DELIA HOUSE-LOPEZ A week ago, the power of spoken word moved many to tears of shared sorrow, joyful laughter and earnest thought as NCU held its second Poetry Slam. After successfully… Continue reading

A Hole Lot of Discussion


Last week’s article was a review of the Donuts and Discussion event hosted by ASNCU, this week the Beacon Bolt was interested in hearing the students’ response to what had been discussed. The… Continue reading