Author Archive

7 Fun Ideas for the Holidays


Christmas karaoke is a thing.

5 Simple Ways to Give Back


It can be as heartfelt as writing a letter or donating a box of food.

Dressember: Wearing Dresses to Protest Violence Against Women


Wear a dress and join the global movement against human trafficking, violence, and slavery.

Meet NCU’s New English Professor, Dr. James Watson


  Author’s Note: I interviewed Dr. James Watson; he shared about his experiences as an author, how he became a professor, and expressed a great deal of love for his family. Could you… Continue reading

Life as… a Non-profit Youth Ministry Director


I had the privilege of interviewing alum, Tauna Nelson, who graduated from Northwest Christian University in 2007. She has been an powerful participant in youth ministries across a wide scope of organizations, serving… Continue reading

The 7 Best Apps for College Students


Tools to make your life easier.

3 Amazing Autumn Drink Recipes


Autumn has arrived in its usual splendor of crimson and gold foliage, clouding the skies with curtains of rain and a chill perceptible enough to make us break out our sweaters and scarves.… Continue reading

Life as… Kent Willocks the NCU Grounds Manager


Gardening is an art form. We have to acknowledge that God is a creative God and He created nature first!

10 Great Places to Eat at in Eugene


NCU students share about their favorite restaurants in Eugene.

5 Fun Things to Do Off-Campus in Eugene


Are you new to NCU and want to know the city more?

The Lockdown on Literature


Books in libraries, schools and bookstores in the United States are often challenged and removed from shelves, restricting the accessibility of information that should be available to readers everywhere.

Salutations From Sierra


A brief introduction.