Donuts and Discussion Recap

Hi everyone!

I wanna dish out the dirt, as they say, regarding the recent ASNCU-organized Donuts and Discussion event that was goin’ down last Wednesday.


Firstly, I find it necessary to address the elephant in the room: this was not a discussion regarding donuts, but a discussion accented/complimented by the presence of donuts. While disappointing at first, the information session proved helpful and informative! Shortly after we discovered that the maple bar was the most-liked donut variety in the room, the session addressed some key issues that you might have wanted to hear about. For example, what opportunities will NCU graduates have, as opposed to graduates of other universities?


Although not many people came, lots of good questions came up and we’d like to share some with those of you who weren’t able to make it! Here are the highlights, in a Q and A format below:


  • When are you going fix the drinking fountain whose filter is RED, which is often seen as a color of warning or danger?
    • Issue: When the water filter is red, people are hesitant to drink from the fountain. But when it’s green, it’s good to drink. Some might say super-good.
    • Response: Greg Brock said, “It will be done.”


  • How can students arrange to live off campus when under 21 or unmarried, the current prerequisites?
    • Certain exceptions can allow for living off campus under the age of 21, such as medical or financial reasons, which are generally rare.
    • But: Greg B was all like, “Research has shown very clearly that students do better when living on campus.”
    • Additional Comments for clarification:
      • If you turn 21 during the year, then you can apply to live off-campus for the following year.
      • Jenn responded, clarifying further, “if it’s your fourth year or your last year, you have permission to live off-campus.”


  • In what ways can commuters get involved in on-campus activities?
    • None of the already-existing opportunities for involvement are exclusive to residential students. All are welcome!


  • How will NCU handle the increased trend of incoming students?
    • “The plan is: we will acquire as we go.” If there’s ever a need, some local apartment property managers have offered to lease out their buildings, such as the Phoenix Inn.


  • Do athletic students receive special privileges/exemptions?
    • No. That, in short, would be silly, Billy…. (the name billy was used strictly for rhyming purposes and wasn’t the name of whoever asked the question).


  • Where’s the money (dat bling) going?
    • Among other things, NCU’s revenue has been funding “Depreciation,” which handles things like myNCU and is important for keeping the name relevant.
    • Additional Comments:
      • Probably 30% of our budget covers human capitals, which is unique compared to most other places.
      • Over the next decade, priorities are to “take care of our people,” as the employees here are sometimes making 15-18% percent less moola than at competing universities
      • To have good professors means having to pay them. In the end, it’s for the students’ benefits. Being able to offer employees higher wages and better benefits means generally having a better staff to teach our students.


  • In Oregon [college scorecard]
    • NCU ranks number 1 in annual student cost (after financial aid etc.)
      • 17,662 annual average price paid by students.
    • Average salary of NCU graduates, within the first decade:
        • $43,100, compared to the national average of $35,500
    • Admittance rates:
      • 71% enrollment, with 46% of the student body being student athletes


  • Do you (the room) feel as though the academic experience here stacks up against other universities you may have attended?Coming from Notre Dame, it seems to have academic rigor and focused.
    • Individual Responses


      • Compared to a larger school like U of O, NCU is far more focused on students at an individualistic level.
      • If you want to stand out and really challenge yourself, the opportunities are ready and waiting, but you’ll have to make a visible effort, rather than just showing up and completing homework assignments. Meeting those standards, however, will get you through the class.
      • NCU places a lot of value on real-world experience.
      • Although education is important, there’s a clear emphasis on building relationships with the people and the community that NCU takes the opportunity to offer.


  • Question to Michael Fuller: Can you explain how you got to the work position you are in now? Did you expect to be where you are now?
    • Michael Fuller’s response (paraphrased to Tomas): Michael Fuller went into college wanting to be a high school social studies teacher. After discovering he really didn’t want to do that, he and ended up being here at NCU after he was told that he could practically be paid to be an RA. After his time here in the EUG, he went to Southern California. Down there, he was offered a position at Cal Lutheran. After a few years, he came back here to Eugene after he and his wife had a strong conviction to come back.
    • Takeaway: God can take you anywhere. What’s in your heart now, may not be what’s in your heart tomorrow. Be open to your calling and use your passions to your advantage. It is also important to be honest with yourself so that you are able to correctly hear your callings.


Hopefully, some important questions you may have had were addressed above, but keep an eye out for future discussions and events like this one if you’ve still got more!