Salutations From Sierra

Dear Friends,

My name is Sierra Kamakeeaina. I have a lengthy last name because I’m originally from Hawaii, but I’ve resided here in Oregon for quite a while. I’m the Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief of the Beacon Bolt, and this is my final year at NCU. (Woo-hoo!) I’m an English major who aspires to be an author, but would be content with any sort of career that has an emphasis on writing.

As a child (and even now) I preferred the absolute immersion of a good novel in contrast to watching movies or T.V. shows. I don’t limit myself to having a favorite genre or a favorite book—there are many great works of literature out there to discover and devour. In my spare time, I usually work on pieces of speculative fiction or poetry.


Sometimes, I venture out into the woods to practice archery or go biking when Oregon’s weather allows it. I don’t recommend doing both at the same time.

I love language, whether it’s written or spoken. Sir Francis Bacon wrote, “Knowledge is power,” which is true; however, in many ways, words are even more powerful. They can take readers to places they’ve never seen, times long since past or yet to be, and lives that have never before been experienced.

They can offer a perspective that expands or challenges our own limited sight, which is one of the reasons why God made language so beautiful.

Moreover, as the Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief, my goal is to help encourage new voices and views within the NCU community to offer a richer and multi-faceted aspect to the Beacon Bolt. This publication is not exclusive to Zoe and me; we want your perspectives to be included and recognized as well.

Please feel welcome to contact either of us if you would like to be a guest writer, even if it’s just once or twice. If you or someone you know desires to be highlighted in an article for a particular talent or experience as well, we invite you to reach out and connect with us! You can contact me at or speak to me in person. Let’s not be strangers!

God Bless,
