An Introduction Letter Between Friends

Dear Reader,

No, that’s not right. Because you’re not just a “reader” (although you are reading this). “Reader” implies that this is a one-way relationship. I write stuff, you read it, and that’s it. Yes, you are reader, but you’re much more.

Dear Audience,

Nope, again, that’s not what I had in mind. I’m not musician, or a comedian, or a celebrity. This news blog isn’t my stage. I want The Beacon Bolt to be a place where you can express yourself, too.

Dear Friends,

Hmmm…now that’s a step in the right direction. We can be friends, right? I can write to you, almost like a letter, and you can write back. This is a place of open, safe expression. It’s a conversation, and a place for the entire NCU community to read, listen, respond, and contribute.

Friends. Yes, I like the sound of that. So, if we are going to be friends, and this is my first letter to all of you, I guess I should start out by introducing myself so you guys can get to know me a little better.

My name is Zoe head-shotHerron, and I’m going to be the Editor-in-Chief of The Beacon Bolt for the 2016-2017 school year. I’m a junior English major and communication minor here at NCU, and I hail from north of Eugene (Olympia, Washington, to be exact).

I’m an avid reader, and although I read anything I can get my hands on, I’m partial to the classics, historical fiction, and poetry. I’m also a writer, and you can often find me scribbling my observations in the margins of class notes, napkins, or my little Moleskin journal. I love to travel, too. I’m passionate about learning as much as I can about other cultures, places, and languages. Some of my favorite places that I’ve been to include Japan, Nicaragua, and Mexico. My beverage of choice is, and always will be, coffee, in all its beautiful, God-given, and glorious forms.

Most of all, however, I’m passionate about Jesus and people. I love people because they are beautiful, diverse, and made in the imago dei, the image of God, and I love Jesus because of His immense sacrifice on the cross and His incomprehensible love for us.

So that’s me–at least, in a condensed, three-paragraph nutshell. Now I want to hear about you…what are you passionate about? What makes your heart soar?

I hope, with these questions in mind, that you will be inspired to become a part of The Beacon Bolt, too. Guest writers are always welcome—your voice matters! Don’t hesitate to contact me through this site or e-mail at I can’t wait to listen to what you have to say.

Until Next Time,
