Record Breaking

The Beacon Bolt is a publication of the student body of Northwest Christian University. The 2015-2016 season was a historic one for our Women’s basketball team. With many players being honored for their athletic and academic accomplishments, the accolades keep accumulating. Starting the season as underdogs, coach Heath Alexander led the team to finish fourth in the CCC, with a win loss streak of 19 wins and 12 losses. This season was filled with record-breaking accomplishments including the record for most blocks beaten by Hanna Mack with 72 season blocks, the record for most season 3-pointers beaten by sophomore Niki Duncan with 63 three pointers, and the record for career three pointers was surpassed by senior Sami Pitts with 133 threes. As the best season in school history comes to a close, sophomore Alaina Thomson has been willing to share some memories and thoughts on the season with the Beacon Bolt:

“I want to comment on the girl’s determination and heart this season. I had to red-shirt this season; I have been rehabbing an injury for about a year now. Sitting on the sidelines during practice and games gave me a different perspective of the team and the game as a whole. I saw the team climb the hills and enjoy being at the top, but I also saw the team fall into the valley and experience lows. I don’t think I fully appreciated the journey that a team goes through over a season until I was looking from the outside. Reaching the top makes the low points worth it and when you’ve achieved great things as a team, the lows are a bitter but motivating time. I witnessed this team overcome many obstacles with heart and fight. Last year, as a freshman, I came in to a team that was ranked last in our conference. That year we finished right in the middle. This year we earned some respect but were not satisfied with the accomplishments of last season. These girls showed up every day, put in extra individual work, and sacrificed for their team and they made NCU history for the women’s basketball program. Heath has done a great job with the team and the accomplishments of the women’s basketball team will not stop with the amazing season we just had. The seniors this year have left an amazing legacy and I look forward to seeing how we can continually build upon that. This season wouldn’t have been possible without the outside support we received. I am so thankful for our coaches who make great sacrifices to dedicate themselves to our team. Pam and Jamie who are a constant support for us. The speakers that agreed to come and share devotionals with the team. And the love and support from family, friends, and NCU students and faculty. The outcome of the season would not have been the same without this support. Our accomplishments are not our own but to the glory of God. This is a special group of women. They are gifted athletes, driven students, and have a strong sense of community. I was blessed with the opportunity to be a chaplain captain this season. Sharing with the girls and seeing so much growth and unity was encouraging. I am very excited to see where the Lord takes this team in the future and how he guides and provides for them individually.”

Thank you Alaina for sharing, and congratulations to the Women’s Basketball team for your successful year!

For more information on the Women’s basketball team and NCU Athletics visit:

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